Music sounds better with Cools Ladies of Leisure. We all know that humans are hard-wired to respond to music, which is why we consider it a fundamental part of the Cools experience. To celebrate IWD’21, we’re launching our brand-new mixtape series ‘The Ladies Of Leisure’.
Armed with a fruitful selection of all-female flavour, the debut Ladies Of Leisure Mixtape from our favourite pop princess CHYMES is a full-scale celebration of achievements from womxn in Australia and around the globe. Chymes' unique brand of electronic-pop has captured audiences all over the globe, racking up over 5 million streams across Apple Music and Spotify.
No doubt 2021 is going to be a pivotal year in Chymes already flourishing career. Keep scrolling for an insight into a difficult year for the rising star, and listen for some serious YTG vibes.
tell us a little bit about yourself - where did you grow up and how did your path lead you to where you’re at now?
I grew up just outside of Sydney, on the central coast. It’s a place where everyone knows everyone and it’s mainly just beaches. It’s really beautiful and there’s so many gorgeous places to see. I’m very lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful place.
I started being interested in music when I was 10 (maybe even younger) and started taking it seriously around 14. I had singing lessons and taught myself how to play guitar. Through my singing “school” I met Cameron Taylor who was an electronic producer and we started writing together from there.
who or what convinced you to give music a chance?
I loved High School Musical growing up, and the Jonas Brothers... basically all things Disney. Hannah Montana was really exciting too... I thought “wow, I want to be a pop star”. I was so obsessed with Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez that I dyed my hair brown to be like them! My sister was also taking singing and guitar lessons and I wanted to copy her, she showed me a few things on guitar first before I took off on my own.
if you had one piece of advice for women of any age feeling stuck or struggling to find their groove, what would you tell them?
Experiment without judging yourself. Try new things, practise familiar things. But also don’t pressure yourself to have it figured out. It sometimes takes people their whole lives to figure out what they like, I’m still struggling. Honestly, I’m only sure of what I DON'T like, so, that helps me find what I do like! But in terms of where I sit musically, I am always changing and falling in love with new things.
the last year has been challenging in many ways. how has 2020 changed your perspective on different areas of your life?
2020 was the hardest year of my life, for many reasons that are difficult to get in to, and maybe one day I’ll talk about them properly. But it was a huge year of struggle, change, challenges, heart break and growth. For one, it made me take mental health more seriously. It also helped me become more open, more honest to myself, the people I love, and to be more honest with my music.
is there a specific moment in your life you can recall that really shaped or grounded you?
I’m not sure there is exactly one specific moment, but rather a bunch of moments that have changed me / are changing me.
what is coming up next for you?
SO MUCH MUSIC! I’m releasing more music that I ever have before. I’ve become a machine, I’m unstoppable!! I can’t wait to finally get it all out there and show my listeners new stories and progression.
Cools Quick Q's:
you feel most yourself here:
In bed relaxing or outside in nature.
favourite place in Sydney:
I really love Lavender Bay.
in your free time you:
Rest, watch YouTube, watch Kdramas, paint or play with clay!
favourite restaurant:
I love Golden Lotus in Newtown. An all vegan Asian fusion restaurant.
what you listen to in traffic:
Pop bangers or silence haha.
you find the most inspiration from:
Other artists!
you can’t live without:
I don’t know... Music. Peace and quiet. Too much noise and I go insane!
favourite cools club piece:
Omg, either the Baby Blue Floral Knit, Rainbow Knit or the new Polar Jacket.