Since our brand's inception, Cools has strived to make a conscious effort to be inclusive, however, we know that collectively we have significant work to do when it comes to tackling the racial injustices happening in Australia, and around the world.

So, what can we do, and can our actions be significant enough to make a meaningful impact? As a team, we’re learning, listening and working on substantive actions we can take to make this more than just a brand on the right side of history. We want to use our platform to inform and educate our audience.

On a personal level, a number of our employees will be marching this weekend and have been donating, signing petitions, and educating themselves on the issues at hand. 

As a brand, we continually partner with local and international charities. But like most people, we want to learn more and help wherever we can. We've decided to direct our efforts locally in the hope of making a meaningful longterm impact. Here at home, we will be supporting AIME, a charity committed to creating a fairer world for marginalised kids, and to building bridges between those with power and those without. 

We’ll continue to encourage, embrace and educate diversity in our own workplace, and support movements and initiatives developed to drive further change. 

All we really know is that it’s Cools to be kind. 

Barney Cools & Cools Club


Protests in Australia supporting the BLM Movement

Friday, June 5

Saturday, June 6
    Sunday, June 7
      Tuesday, June 9
        Saturday. June 13


          Further reading / educational resources

          (AU) Isabella Higgins: Indigenous Deaths in Custody  

          (AU) Justice Action: Deaths in Custody Proposal

          (AU) Petition: Prevent Deaths in Custody Caused by Improper Restraint

          (AU) Creative Spirits: Aboriginal Communities Breaking Down

          (AU) Australian’s Together: Indigenous Disadvantage

          (AU) Human Rights Commission: Workplace Cultural Diversity

          Educate Yourself: Black Lives Matter Educate

          (US) Petition: Justice for George Floyd

          (US) Race Forward: Systematic Racism

          (US) ACLRC: Forms of Racism

          (US) Clocks & Clouds: The American Dream

          (US) Wall Street Journal: 1619 Project

          (US) Peggy McIntosh: White Privilege

          (US) Justice & Reconciliation: Restorative Justice

          (US) NAACP: Criminal Justice Fact Sheet

          (US) Teaching Tolerance: Race, Racism and Police Violence

          (US) Clare Corbould: Racist Policing, Violence & Equality


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